Posted by : Nurvita Cundaningsih (Vita)Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011
Stones often uses as analogy for something that difficult to change. The fact, the stones evolutions continuously. It crushed and change, buried in earth, and then appear again for start the next cycle. Stones recycling by nature and undergo many physics and chemistry process during some millions years in Lithosphere. From the formation process, acquainted with sediment stone, metamorphic stone, and frozen lava stone.The cycle starts when the top layer of Lithosphere (earth crust) decomposes, weathering, erosions, or depositions. The soil become sediment then compacted and cemented. This process called Lithification. Tectonic process brings the stone sink deeper than major fault or brings it back to the surface. The sediment stone might get 2 treatments. If the stone be heat and pressure, it is able to be metamorphic stone. But the sediments stone can be magma when it’s melting in high temperatures. There is metamorphic stone direct appear to the surface, but some metamorphic stone to be grave in the crust and melt become magma. When magma move to the earth crust, sometimes it frozen before reach the surface, bend to inside frozen lava stone (plutonic). This frozen lava stone might undergo more process. Several outside frozen lava stone is still in the lava until the eruption time and frozen at the open air. The process when the magma becomes cold is Crystallization.This frozen lava stone get heat and pressure in very long time. If the magma heated the frozen lava (from top crust), the frozen lava will melt into magma again. But the frozen lava might compacted into the metamorphic stone because high pressure from magma in the part of earth in long time.Every stones have many specialties shape and different characteristics. It caused by many factors like: kinds of magma (liquid or viscous), long period of time in the part of earth, the processing location, etc.The stones can uplift to the surface through eruption volcanoes, erosion, or human’s activity (mining). After it reach the surface, the stones may circulate again in stones cycle.